I have taken a year and I half sabbatical from creating art to focus on Grad School. That time is almost up (May 3rd!!) and I can't wait to focus on my work and building the art program at the school I teach at. It's been a long and tough journey; I gained 20 pounds and lost my boyfriend to heart failure. So, I will have a lot of story telling to do through my work.
Through it all, some wonderful things have happen. I was asked to put together a workshop for the San Antonio Museum of Art.
My beautiful daughter Zion in attendances supporting her mommy.
I focused on artist Marilyn Lanfear ink water color family portraits. These ink water colors have an amazing balance of contrast. These pieces unify the installations, and will not make sense if they stood on their own. Like family, they need each other to stay strong.
The project I developed for family day was modeled after this piece. Kids used stamps to create their Marilyn Lanfear prototype!